Sliding Scale: a Practice of Economic Justice at Mae Mind Body
Sliding scale at Mae Mind Body is a route to economic justice, or a means to increase access to products or services by offering a range of price points.

Building Curiosity
Practicing curiosity is a way to change how you show up in the world or rewire your automatic predictions.

Resilience as returning to allowing, as part of our healing journey. Resilience as connecting to self and divesting from systems of harm.

What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the practice of noticing without judgment or elaboration and is one of the foundational skills for you to develop if you want to shift the experience of anxiety and learn nervous system regulation.

Nonlinear and Iterative
Healing is non linear - to make space for all our different parts and experiences to come into wholeness we must travel the spiral path

Interdependence and Decentralization
Making space for all the parts of yourself and coming into reciprocal relationship within yourself, this is how we become whole again.

As you commit to making changes at the individual level, and start to set new patterns, you are also starting to shift internalized systems of harm and starting to create reverberations on the scale of community, of society