Let’s be partners in transformative healing.
Are you ready for a change?
If you’re tired of the same symptoms or thoughts bogging you down…
If you’ve tried all the seemingly quick fixes but feel nothing has changed…
If you sense there is still more to shift…
It might be time for a new approach.
That’s where I come in!
I view myself as a guide, here to walk with you, help you uncover layers, and remember the wisdom you already have.
Along the way we’ll use the tools I’ve studied and practiced, including acupuncture, biofeedback, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, nervous system regulation, and magic as needed, all customized specifically to your body and mind.
From developing tools to transform anxiety into ease, to healing long held pain and symptoms, to learning how to trust and know their authentic self, my patients and I have created incredible transformation, and the same is possible for you.
Start with a complimentary consultation
My work is delivered individually. I talk to every patient before we begin working together, to ensure that our goals and values are aligned.
Since I work from an anti-kyriarchy perspective, sliding scale rates are available.
Learn more about sliding scale.
If you sense my work is the right medicine for you at this time, let’s start with a complimentary 25-minute consultation to talk in more depth!
More about my work:
My approach centers connection.
We have been raised and conditioned to live in a capitalist society, based on disconnection. Capitalism is not just about money - it comes from the belief that we as humans are separate from everything else, which then allows for power, domination, better-than thinking, and owning, which is then replicated throughout the system.
You’ve developed the strategies to keep you safe within this disconnected system, and you are doing your best, despite the pain or discomfort you might be feeling.
The good news is that you're here now and you have the ability and freedom to rewire your nervous system and develop new tools to regulate and align with how you want to be. This is at the core of the work I do with my patients.
Creating transformation in our connection to ourselves is the first stage of the transformation of the world that we live in.
We belong in community. We need help with these things. That doesn’t mean I know how to fix you. I am here to walk with you on this path to building community and connection.
This is an ongoing practice, a lifetime of work - not grind work, but pleasure work - we get to do this!
What’s possible for you?
I’d love to hear more about you, what symptoms you’re dealing with, what changes you’re craving, and to see how I could help.