Elemental River Meditation with Dr. Kari Logan

In this guided meditation with Dr Kari Logan, you will return to your Inner Altar and listen to the Elements. Our Inner Altars are sacred, restful internal places where we can reconnect with ourselves and our magic. Use this guided meditation to access your inner wisdom and build your relational magic with the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water. This guided meditation is also a practice in noticing and observing without judgment or elaboration (see blog post on Mindfulness). Building these skills can help us shift the way we show up in the world and support our work toward Liberation. 

This guided meditation is perfect to practice daily or as frequently as you wish. It is best to start after practicing the Meeting Your Inner Altar - Guided Meditation but not required.

In honor of teachers and lineages, this meditation was derived from the work and teachings of Ylva Mara Radziszewski of the School of Traditional Magic and The Living Altar.